Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Rookie Agent

I have decided when buying a home going with a rookie agent is not always the best way to go. The agent we are using, if we complete this sale, it will be his first house sale. My husband is always for helping someone out, but this guy has a lot a work to do, if he wants to become a successful real estate agent. He barely speaks to you at all, so walking around houses is like a treasure hunt. He always looks like we are taking up valuable time he could be using someplace else. Unfortunately my husband signed a contract so we are stuck with him until we give up or buy a house.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

First Time Buyer/ Rookie Agent

        In May 2013 we received the renewal notice from the rental company of our current home. They informed us the rent was being raised to $800 a month, which to us and my father seemed convenient since they had just installed a new air conditioning system. My first thought was this is insane, the tiny little cottage of a home we have been renting for 9 years was not even worth $450 a month in my opinion, so I was not going to pay $800. I call my husband (Scott) to tell him and right then and there we decided we were going to get our own house, so the process began.
       The very next week Scott was at his friends house, when they ran into a real estate agent, who was at the house for sale next door, and they started talking. The first decision was to purchase that very home, until we were told it already had a contract on it, and it was a short sale ( this took 2 weeks to discover), so we moved on.
     The week after our discovery Scott & I went looking at 6 other houses, and it seems every house we liked we were told that there was an offer in already or a contract on it, we were getting very frustrated. The very next Sunday we went and looked at 5 more house, and found one we absolutely loved. We then had to put together our good earnest money (something we were not informed of prior to this day) so that we could bid on this house, so Friday Jun 28th we placed our very first bid on a house, and found out Monday that the bid was denied, and another bid was accepted.
     Back to the drawing board.